
Resources for Learning Frontend Web Development

I have spent most of the past two years learning to code. For the past year, I’ve primarily been focused on frontend web development. These are my top 5 resources for learning web development and why I like them. This is the condense version of a blog post I wrote about the same topic.

A quick note before we begin:

These are resources that worked for me. They may or may not work for you. So don’t take my word as “gospel” and think you have to follow only these resources. It’s a journey and we all take different paths to the same destination.

I hope that by sharing what’s worked for me, you can find something that works for you. Even if it means none of the resources on this list. By knowing what does not work for you you have a better idea of what does work for you.


My Top Resources


Link: https://freecodecamp.org

What they offer:

Why I like them:


Link: https://sololearn.com

What they offer:

Why I like them:


Link: https://scrimba.com

What they offer:

Why I like them:

Frontend Mentor

Link: https://frontendmentor.io

What they offer:

Why I like them:


If you’re not used to receiving feedback, I suggest first finding a way to separate yourself (i.e., your ego) from your work. I did not do this in the beginning and it stunted my growth a little bit (plus it didn’t make me want to use the platform).

It took me some time but I figured out that my work is not who I am. They are separate entities. So a critique of my work is not a critique of myself as an individual.

Moreover, programming is about iteration and getting better which means making revisions when you receive valuable and constructive feedback. The keywords there are “valuable” and “constructive”. If someone is being an @$$h0le, then ignore them.

That said, I’m still human still struggle with putting the ego aside so, like all things, it’s a work-in-progress.

In addition to receiving feedback, you also have the opportunity to give feedback. This is a great way to articulate what you know and understand about programming and the web development process. And, of course, it gives you a chance to connect and help others.

Kevin Powell’s “Conquering Responsive Web Design” course

Link: https://courses.kevinpowell.co/conquering-responsive-layouts

What they offer:

Why I like them:


If you want the speedy version of this list, here’s the condensed version of my favorite web dev resources:

Other Resources

YouTube Channels

In addition to the above courses, I have also found the following YouTube channels helpful during my journey.



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Thank you for reading about this project. If you’d like to connect with me for mentoring, collaboration, or employment opportunities, you can do so via the following links: