
Git Cheatsheet

These are the most common git commands I use while working on a project.


git init

git init

What it does:

Useful when:

git clone <URL>

git clone <URL>

What it does:

Useful when:

git status

git status

What it does:

Useful when:

git remote add origin <URL>

git remote add origin <URL>

What it does:

Useful when:

git add <FILENAME>

git add <FILENAME>

What it does:

Useful when:


git add .

What it does:

Useful when:

CAUTION: Including all files may also include hidden files (e.g., .DS_Store) within the directory where your repo is located. These kinds of files often contain system metadata, however you may not want them in your repo repository, especially if it’s a public one.

Further, you may be working on a project that contains access keys. If you add these files and commit them, then push them to a public repo they become available to the public. This could be bad news if these keys give access to a private database.

To solve this, you can either move these files to another directory or add them to a .gitignore file. This file contains a list of files and directories that git will ignore (i.e., it won’t track any changes, stage them for commits, or push them to remote repos).

git commit -m "<COMMIT MSG GOES HERE>"

git commit -m "<COMMIT MSG GOES HERE>"

What it does:

Useful when:


git commit -am "<COMMIT MSG GOES HERE>"

What it does:

Useful when:

git push

git push

What it does:

Useful when:


git push --all --set-upstream origin

What it does:

Useful when:

Note: Unless you decide to change the upstream, you only need to this once. I usually do it on my first push.

Other commands




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